Friday, May 28, 2010


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm dedicating a post a week to "1000" our foto of the week and I want your thoughts on it, kay? x

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ps; x

It's tomorrow ;p .. You'll find me here this summer! Holla at me if you're gonna be there too! x

Pps; I know I'm a bit of an amature at taking fotos, but I learn ;o x

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Orange + Boredom = This Post

Peepows! Im having trouble studying for the last exam I have :) Eysh al 7al? *eeh i like acting Saudi madre laish* I look at my walls, which are ORANGE by the way (explains the orange in the title :)) and all I think is :
Cheese Pizza
Cheese in a Mc chicken
Ps; Im not even hungry :)
I turn around ,stare at the tv and think *hmmm, How much more would I get done if I were playing COD?*
Then I look at my cammera, and an evil smile creeps up on my face. Il muhim you get it.

-We interrupt this completely sane site for a "when boredum strikes post" *said in a super news man voice*
E 7all Anyone?
pps; Sorry for the insanity, you guys shuld get used to that :) x

The rest of the fotos weren't posted due to their utter randomocity, x

I Lovee youu TOMMORROOWW! x

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tomorow, the 26th of may records as a very important date for me. You see, tomorrow I reflect on the past year, and see what I've accomplished. Yep, you guessed it peepows, its the Beginning of my SUMMER BREAK! Won't you come already, tomorrow? x
Looking back I notice I've done the worst of things, the best of things, and am truly satisfied of when I decided to let it all go. I believe, looking back, that I have accomplished much of what I have wanted to do. Now I have the chance for a new start, a new life, a new Tan ;) haha who am I kidding? This summer's gonna be all about the fun in the sun! And because I'm lame like that, I make a summer list of all the things I wanna do every year; these are a few of the things I wanna do:

- Go Flyfishing 5 times in a row.
- Try to NOT break a bone this summer. (yeah, I break a bone every summer up 'til this year and in the randomest of ways, too! Last year, I flew off a motor scooter :))
- Jump out of a plane.
- Spend as little amount of time as I possibly can in a Mall, there's a whole lot of this world I haven't seen! ;)
- Have a spur of the moment situation, and not plan every moment of the vacation.
- See alot of my close friends that I havent seen in probably a year.
- Travel somewhere exotic.
- Take Drum lessons, or some other odd instrument, like the flute.
- Get the hottest tan!
-  Take pictures of it all!

ps; You'll be getting an update of what i do this summer through the blog ;) so keep posted!

Thanks Oceano Mare  on Flickr for this foto, x

Random Question of the Day;
Does anyone but me think the teletubbies are a bit psychotic for children to watch? x
pps; The musical "Annie" is by far the most memorable thing I've watched, don't you agree? This summer's random watch!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Destination? NoWhere.

To be honest, I'm perfectly content with where I am in the world right now, as most of us may be. I'm doing just fine living my life the way it is. But do I know what's in store for me in the future? Nope. Do I know what the past may bring up? Of course not. We're all right in the middle, which is a good place for us (btw). Be thankful of the life you live, enjoy your summer, and live your life to the fullest. A little loose, fun, craziness might be good for your soul at this time. Be appreciative of the people and things surrounding you, 'cause you never know how the future will be. Leave contemplating the future for tomorrow won't you? Live today for today, x
Summer is a month away for most of us ;]
Summer song of the day; Stereo Love - Edward Maya  

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Clubbing in Spain.

  I wanna go clubbing in Spain
Where the sun always shines, and there's no rain
Dancing the night away to release my pain
What a pleasent experience I will gain
The headache from last night, I can't expain
After this shower, will my worries go down the drain?
Do you think that's really cocaine?;o:p
This random poem I cannot explain.
Truly yours, x

-For S;* and D;*
-Ps; this was written a while ago, and I thought since its the summertime again, it was totally appropriate! Enjoy x

Sunday, May 2, 2010


       Everyone is passionate about something, right? Some may be passionate about Art, others may be passionate about their culinary works. You wanna know what I'm (as well as maybe millions of other people as well) passionate about today? My sports team! My football team to be exact; Barcelona <3.
To be honest, we've gone a long way from about a couple years ago, and have won quite a few leagues and cups to our name. No offence to all you real madrid fans and everyone else, but I believe we may actually win the cup this season! Sure my team may get a bit dissapointing at times, but Barcelona is my passion, my team, and I support it no matter what!  Btw, Yesterday's game was excellent, don't you agree? Just incase some of you didn't see it, the score was Barcelona 4 - 1 Villa Real.

ps; Good luck to Hilal today in their match, and I wish all them hillali fans a good match, x
pps; What is something you're passionate about? ;] share please! x